Goal Setting
Viewing goal setting as a distinct function, individuals with a brain bent in the Prioritizing division may engage in goal setting and goal achievement most energy efficiently. There may be some gender differences, as well:
Males are more likely to set goals and then give it everything they have to achieve those goals, even becoming workaholic, if necessary. They are not particularly interested in the quality of the experience on the way to the goal, being willing to sacrifice personal comfort, even relationships, to win. The type of goals they set are often based on what is important to them innately (based on brain bent) or what is expected of them by their job, society, sometimes by their family, or by affiliation with a specific religion/ideology, club, or organization.
Females do set goals but they may be equally interested in the quality of the experience on the way to goal. Consequently, they may take longer to achieve the goal but will have managed the process more experientially. The type of goals they set are often based on what is important to them innately (based on brain bent) or on what is expected of them by their family, society, job, affiliation with a specific religion, club, organization, and so on.