©Arlene R. Taylor PhD

Almost anyone can “rebel” if given the right environment or set of circumstances. The triggers for rebelling are often very different for different individuals, as well as the types of rebelling behaviors that are exhibited. Sometimes the triggers are connected with one’s innate brain lead (and factors such as gender, culture, past experience, and family-of-origin can often play a part).

The following observations reflect input during conversations with Dr. Katherine Benziger and KBA licensees.

Frontal Lobes

altPrioritizingt Division

altEnvisioning Division


Individuals with an energy advantage in this division may rebel when they perceive:

  • The decisions being made are not based on an inductive-deductive style of reasoning
  • They are a pawn, and the goal is different from what they had been told and/or incongruent with their value system
  • They are being constrained from competition or are not being allowed to pursue their goals

Their rebelling may involve trying to take charge of the situation, attempting to become the permanent leader of the group or organization, or even using coercion to obtain agreement


Individuals with an energy advantage in this division may rebel when they perceive:

  • There is a lack of genuine freedom and they are being coerced
  • That their expertise in entrepreneurial envisioning, strategic thinking, or artistic creativity was requested, but subsequently was not accepted or listened to
  • They are not being allowed to create and innovate

Their rebelling may involve personally checking-out or leaving, or in leading a somewhat spontaneous movement to create change, charismatically and inspiringly rallying the troops to support the change


Posterior Lobes

altMaintaining Division

altHarmonizing Division

Individuals with an energy advantage in this division may rebel when they perceive:

  • There is no routine, sequence, or procedure to follow, with no established production standards
  • They are unable to run their routines without interruption or pressure to change

Their rebelling may be expressed in joining a group that is advocating for improvement


Individuals with an energy advantage in this division may rebel when they perceive:

  • An absence of harmonious connection with others, with nature, or with a Higher Power
  • The presence of a behavior or environment that seems to be cruel, evil, wounding, painful, hopeless, etc.

Their rebelling may be expressed in rallying to improve conditions for the people they care about (trying for something that will benefit everyone)