©Arlene R. Taylor PhD

altVacations are often at the top of one’s wish list as a way to reduce stress. And yet vacations can be stressful in their own right. Vacation stress can be categorized in several different ways. For example, as:

  • Eustress (by-choice stress even though the brain and body are being asked to do something very different from the usual routine)
  • Distress (undesirable stress when outright negative situations or events occur)
  • Misstress (hidden stress that is often missed because it occurs so commonly such as losing one’s keys, long lines of traffic, crowded restaurants)

Distress or misstress may occur when vacations involve individuals whose preferences differ dramatically. Sometimes just by recognizing and identifying the way in which each individual is likely to approach vacations, travelers can minimize the potential for experiencing negative outcomes. Following are examples to consider.

altPrioritizing Division

altEnvisioning Division

Individuals with an energy advantage in this division tend to want to accomplish something on vacation and may agree to go if they can accomplish a goal or two in the process.

They may:

  • Insist on making a unilateral decision about the vacation destination
  • Be deliberate spenders
  • Not be looking for fun per se
  • Choose to continue working and send the family on a vacation


Individuals with an energy advantage in this division tend to want adventure and entertainment on vacation

They may:

  • Spontaneously take a vacation (alone or with others) if an unexpected opportunity arises, especially if it involves travel and/or something unusual
  • Be impulsive spenders
  • Like a minimum of advance planning
  • Prefer to avoid getting locked into tight schedules so they can take advantage of spontaneous ideas and side-trips


altMaintaining Division

altHarmonizing Division

Individuals with an energy advantage in this division tend to want to plan the vacation in minute detail and then follow the itinerary carefully

They may be:

  • Conservative spenders
  • Pleased if plans and outcomes match
  • Prefer packaged tours and one-price-includes-all group excursions
  • Likely to schedule the vacation far in advance to be sure to get the desired dates


Individuals with an energy advantage in this division tend to want to connect with family and friends on vacation

They may:

  • Choose a vacation destination and travel dates based on what family members or friends are interested in doing
  • Want to bring all the children and their friends plus pets
  • Be somewhat extravagant spenders
  • Collect souvenirs and memorabilia and try to bring home gifts for everyone