Q & A
Q: I was told you said that every brain has a bias related to safety but that racism is learned. How can that be? Answer...
Q: My friend said you made a presentation on Safety Bias. What does that mean? Answer...
Q: I have been told that learned biases form the basis for most inequality. What is your opinion? Answer...
Q: I know some are biased about gender, skin color, and sexual orientation, but I think we are a pretty equalitarian society other than that. Wouldn’t you agree? In my case, I don’t think I have any biases. Answer...
Q: I suppose racism is a type of stereotyping but, hey, everyone does it, right? Answer...
Q. Have you ever experienced discrimination? If so, please help me understand how bias, prejudice, and discrimination differ. Answer...
Q: Recently I attended your week-long seminar and came away with a much more enthusiastic brain. There were some attendees who ask the most ridiculous (or prejudiced, uninformed, rude, unkind) questions. I was amazed how your brain remained calm and civil. How does it do that? Answer...
Q: Several students in my daughter's freshman class have been rude to her for no apparent reason. Some have called her some rather mean nicknames. She is one of only three Asians in the class. Although she has felt like replying in kind at times, she has refrained from doing so. Many times she has come home in tears not understanding what she did to trigger this. What can she do? Answer...
Q: I am somewhat regularly subjected to prejudice because I am in a cross-cultural relationship. We are very happy together, but when the two families are together there is an undertone of prejudice that sometimes isn’t kept in the “undertone.” Sometimes it erupts in arguing about which “race” is better and right in from of the kids. I find it drains my energy. What can I do? We’ve talked about each of us spending time with our own family, maybe a short visit once a week so we are not altogether at the same time. The problem is, I’d like our three children to know both sides of who they are. Answer...
Q: In doing DNA research it appears my family may have some connection with people from Ghana and Nigeria. I have started studying about slavery and am amazed at what I am discovering. It seems that the slave trade itself was primarily done by Europeans—and I always thought it was just an American thing. I also read a CNN article in which I learned a lot. I hear the term “systemic racism” but am not clear what that means. Thanks. Answer...
Q: I am considering going vegan—although am not sure exactly what that means. The rumor has it that you are vegan. Do you have any resources that explain the trend and the benefits? Thanks for your help. Answer...
Q: I hate wearing a mask and don’t really see how that can help much. Do you wear one? Answer...
Q: I want your take on what is going on in the brains of people who stockpile toilet paper. I never heard of anything quite so insane! Did they think the pandemic was going to trigger diarrhea in their households or what? Answer...
Q. Dyslexia runs in my family. I have learned what works for me and how to compensate for what is more difficult. Our son is having some math challenges and the teacher said he probably has something called dyscalculia. I am flummoxed. I never heard of this before! Answer...
Q: Have you ever heard of prosopagnosia? Answer...
More Q&A with Dr. Taylor...