Facts Vs. Information
Q. Technically this isn’t a question. I had the opportunity to attend several of your seminars when you were lecturing overseas earlier this year and found the gender-brain differences information absolutely fascinating. You also mentioned that a fact is just information until and unless it is turned into knowledge and practically applied—and you encouraged attendees to do just that. Several days later this is what happened.
I was working on part of my tax return when my wife came into the room and asked me to help her with something.
Because of what I had learned, I was able to say, “Give me a few moments.”
She said, “My dear, I would like you to do this now so I can go to bed.”
I replied, “Honey, do you realize that I will have to put everything away, turn off the a/c, switch the lights off, go through the door, find the little path over to the other part of my brain, walk to the area of the brain that will help me grant your request, turn the lights and a/c on, and only then be able to give you my full attention? And then, when we’re done, I have to reverse all of that to go back and finish up my tax return project.”
She allowed me a few moments.
Soon I stood up from my chair, signaling I was ready. She said it would be better if I sat—whereupon I explained that I was kinesthetic and would understand better if I stood. So she began talking to me, whereupon I looked aside and said, “And don’t tell me that I have to look at you when you’re talking to me. I know what you look like!”
We both burst into mirthful laughter!
A. Thank you for taking time to share your anecdote—I loved it! When you learn some of this information and choose to practically apply it, some are amazed how communication can improve—and even be more fun than you might have thought possible.