Cellular Memory and Equality
Q: Do you think cellular memory has anything to do with problems of equality?
A. I believe cellular memory from the past 3-4 generations absolutely impacts a person’s life. Period. If there are positive memories of behaviors of ancestors or negative memories of past abuse and trauma, it appears those are filed within actual brain and body cells. The problem is that no one can change the past. Individuals can choose to heal past woundedness and at least at a personal level, become the person they wish others to be—at the same time working with whatever groups and organizations are taking positive steps toward actual equality. Actions that result in undesirable consequences (e.g., rioting, property destruction, theft, injury, death) rarely have positive long-term effects.
My brain’s opinion: if one’s generational inheritance includes bigotry of any type, racism, or gender inequality, an individual may be predisposed to those thoughts. This does not mean the individual must make those their thoughts, conform to them, and act upon them. Unimpaired, in adulthood people choose the choices they make and the behaviors they exhibit. They can choose to follow “urges” or change their thoughts and take a different path.