Thinking of negative things
Q. Why do we think more negative things instead of positive stuff?
A. The short answer is because of the body’s automatic alarm system. When something stressful happens, and most negative things are stressful, the brain releases cortisol, a steroid hormone. It warns you about imminent danger, triggering changes in your brain and body to prepare you for a flight-or-fight response. This all happens in a nanosecond—a billionth of a second. If you immediately assume the worst is going to happen, that potentiates the stress response and keeps the cortisol pumping. It is so easy to get into the habit of triggering this alarm system by thinking negative thoughts. Thinking positively is easy when something good happens. The brain, however, can choose to replace a negative thought with a positive, thankful thought, which releases dopamine, the feel better chemical. Therefore, thinking positive, thankful thoughts is an antidote to negativity. This process requires conscious choice. You choose.