Q & A
Q. My grandson started hitting me when he was about age five. I pick him up from school five days a week until his mother gets home from work. He is now thirteen and much bigger. He threw a glass and hit me in the head last week. A couple days later he put his fist through the wall. Earlier this week he punched me in the chest. It hurt. If anyone else did that I’d call the police, but this is “my grandson!” Yes, he is angry because his father was killed in Pakistan, but it is starting to feel as if he is taking it out on us. I know he hits his mother, but she always says it was an accident and he didn’t really mean it. We don’t want to spank him because he just becomes uncontrollable and goes into a rage, so we have tried reasoning with him and taking away privileges. It may work for a day or two but then something else will happen. He slung a dinner plate at a large mirror in the dining room yesterday and they splintered into smithereens. What is wrong with his brain and what can we do to protect ours? Answer...
Q. Here’s the deal. My friends and I are debating whether or not prayer does any good whatsoever. I know people who pray and their prayers are not always answered. Answer...
Q. A colleague recently mentioned he’d heard something about “channels in the human skull.” Do you know anything about this? Frankly, it sounds a bit weird to me. Answer...
Q. I heard you speak about water and the price of dehydration. Drinking plain water is sooooo boring to me. Why can’t I drink the many “fancy” waters now on the market? Answer...
Q. Are there any tasty substitutes for water? Answer...
Q. How come anger and fear are positioned between joy and sadness on the emotions staircase? Answer...
Q. There is a new employee in our office who is a bit different. This individual has stopped coming to the break room after apparently overhearing some unkind remarks about the differences. What should I do? Answer...
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