Barbara Christian
I was fortunate to be able to attend another talk by Dr. Arlene Taylor yesterday on her latest speaking tour in Australia. This time she spoke on both the neurological and cognitive aspects of how the mismanagement of the three protective emotions (anger, fear, and sadness) can downshift the brain, and how unresolved emotional issues can keep a person from developing emotional growth and maturity. She included tips on how to raise one’s level of EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient). She also spoke about people being caught in unresolved grief as well as suicidality, along with the importance of laughter and developing a strong sense of humor. Dr. Taylor presents in such a way that lay persons can clearly understand the neuropsychological and cognitive systems and how they function. She is extremely charismatic, exuding positivity and serenity. I get her daily blogs—each one is enlightening, helpful, and positive. I can't wait until she returns on her next speaking tour!
—Barbara Christian, Brisbane, QLD, Australia