Extra Pounds around the Holidays
Q. I usually pack on extra pounds around the holidays and then spend the next few months trying to divest myself of them, just to do it all over again when the next holiday rolls around. Are those pounds all that bad for my health and, if so, how can I change that?
A. Change what? That extra pounds are not bad for your health?
You cannot change that extra weight and yo-yo weight changes are hard on the body. The body works best in balance as compared to a weight roller-coaster. An over-weight body is no help to your health much less your brain. Carrying around extra pounds can increase your risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, several chronic diseases including cancer, and even dementia.
Change what? The pattern of yo-yo weight gain and loss? Now, that is something you can alter.
I agree with a recent quote by Dr. Daniel Amen: “Most weight problems occur between the ears...in your brain.” Pretty much everything starts and ends in the brain. This includes altering your behavioral patterns.
I suggest you explore what is different for you around the holidays, what beliefs you have absorbed about eating during these seasons, and expectations of yourself or others that may be impacting your behaviors.
There are some articles on my website that you may find helpful. Here are two:
Escape the Diet Trap (Weight Management section)
Holiday Frazzled? Choose to Live Defrazzled! (Stress section)