Many groceries stores now stock packages of baby spinach already washed and ready to use, which can be a time saver. Although this recipe calls for dried black Mission figs, you can substitute fresh black figs if they are available and you like the fresh variety. I'll take them either way.


  • 1 standard package baby spinach leaves, washed and ready to serve
  • ½ - 1 cup dried black figs, sliced thinly (about 8 figs depending on size)
  • 1 cup strawberries, washed and sliced
  • 1 cup pecans, halves or pieces
  • ½ cup lite poppy-seed dressing or a lite balsamic vinaigrette


Combine ingredients in a large bowl and mix gently.

Add dressing and mix gently to lightly coat the ingredients.


Set bowl on the table and let people help themselves or divide and serve on plates.