How does the brain learn? I wish we really knew! It could make life so much easier for everyone—parents, students, teachers, and you! Although we may never discern just how this miracle occurs, research is beginning to crack open the door and allow us to peek through. The human brain is the exciting new frontier of the 21st Century. In 1996 Ned Herrmann estimated that our knowledge of the brain doubles every ten years. Current studies on brain function and intelligence are forging new perspectives that may unlock the way human beings learn.
Much like fingerprints, each human brain is unique. One complication in assembling this puzzle revolves around some of those differences in human brains. For example, there is some uncertainty regarding what brain uniqueness really means and any potential connection between often-subtle differences / behaviors and learning outcomes. Another involves inconsistency among studies and their conclusions, ethical limitations related to research projects, and personal bias among those who attempt to understand perceived outcomes and make related practical applications. Of necessity, and unlike animal experiments, studies involving humans are correlational rather than experimental. Nevertheless, what is being uncovered about brain function can be extremely helpful, even if emerging knowledge is imperfect and somewhat tentative.
Although we still see through a glass darkly in terms of how the brain actually learns, we know with some impunity how the brain naturally learns best. That knowledge is at once exhilarating and depressing: exhilarating because with some effort and innovation the educational process could be enhanced significantly for most students; depressing because millions of brains are experiencing less than optimal learning as they move through or drop out of the educational process in a variety of environments, some of which are demeaning if not downright punishing.
It can be helpful to evaluate a number of factors against the backdrop of what we thought we knew about the brain and/or about learning. In some cases the outcome conclusions of emerging studies run counter to the strategies that have been touted as desirable for generations or that have been perpetuated simply out of inertia in the face of the perceived magnitude of reform.
The majority of teachers who taught me, with whom I worked during my years as a school nurse, and who taught my stepsons and their friends, had learned to organize their lessons and to present information in a sequential style. Recently I googled “sequential lesson plans” on the worldwide web and found in excess of 657,000 sites as compared to only 18,400 for nonsequential lesson plans. Quite a difference! Notwithstanding this sequential teaching-style emphasis, the brain actually earns best through multiprocessing. It needs multipath, multimodel, and multisensory experiences to create as many associations as possible. It is insufficient to merely read or hear about a topic. The more complex the topic, the more likely the brain is to learn when learning experiences are accompanied with rich sensory input, which also helps to enhance the retention potential.
Unfortunately, this multipath, multimodel, multisensory combination is not readily available through today’s style of formal instruction. The whole brain needs to be engaged in order to facilitate learning. Therefore, whole-brain learning needs to be the preferred model. Reading aloud can help. It can enable the student to get more out of the reading and reinforce his / her speaking ability at the same time. Jim Tralese, author of The Reading Aloud Handbook, wrote that the single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children at home and in the classroom. It is deemed more important than worksheets, homework, assignments, book reports, and flashcards. One of my cherished memories from childhood is my 7th grade teacher reading to us for 30 minutes every day after lunch. I can still hear her voice when I think of Anne of Green Gables!
Optimal learning appears to occur in a five-stage sequence. It is important to be patient in this process because the most valuable and deepest learning may not produce tangible results immediately. Effective cognitive learning takes time, as compared to reactionary knee-jerk learning that occurs after you touched your hand to a hot stove or were yelled at because you asked a question. It would follow that all five stages need to be included for the brain to learn best:
It’s somewhat of an oxymoron. All brains are basically very much alike and yet each brain on the planet is different, so learning environments need to be flexible. Each brain develops so uniquely that completely normal development can differ by a spread of two or more years between learners of the same chronological age. This has huge implications for classroom configuration, grade-related standards, and the forced silence and physical inactivity demanded by many teachers—who believe mistakenly that a quiet and controlled environment is best for learning.
Classroom seating needs to be flexible. Educators Rita and Ken Dunn in 1978 found that at least 20% of learners are significantly affected—positively or negatively—by seating options or the lack of them. The traditional straight-row arrangement is predominate in most educational settings. Try a variety of seating arrangements (e.g., circles, U shapes, V shapes) and vary them periodically. As one researcher put it, move the chairs to open their minds. Some studies have shown that an increase in physical space between students leads to increased on-task time and decreased disruptive behavior. Student affect toward a class is related to that student’s learning, so give students as much choice as feasible in selecting their own seats no matter what arrangement is selected.
Some brains learn best while sitting in a traditional chair position while others need a nontraditional body position (e.g., the student is sitting or lying on the floor, curled up or stretched out on a couch, or sprawled in beanbag furniture). Still others do better when standing or walking around.
In a flexible environment, students are not only permitted but also encouraged to get up and move around. When I am presenting a seminar one of the first things out of my mouth is: Please feel free to stand up and stretch at any time, sit on the floor at the side of the room, or pace back and forth in the rear. Attendees repeatedly tell me “when you gave me permission to move anytime I wanted to, somehow I didn’t need to move as much as usual….” How interesting!
Studies have shown that 50% of the adolescents studied needed extensive mobility while learning. Half of the remaining 50% needed occasional mobility, and the remaining 25% of adolescents needed at least minimal movement opportunities.
Directed physical movement in the classroom is a rarity, unless it is an instruction to “sit down.” Not only that, in some schools physical education periods and recess have been reduced if not eliminated altogether. Research by J. Della Valle and associates in 1984-1986 indicates that making learners remain in their seats and expecting them to be quiet may not be a very good idea, because the brain is activated during physical movement, which helps optimize its performance.
According to Michael Gurian, author of Boys and Girls Learn Differently, young children, especially boys, need to move around as they learn. At all ages stretch breaks and sixty-second movement breaks are very useful. Physical movement in class helps to manage stress and stimulates imagination and learning. It increases blood flow in the neocortex and increases the movement of glucose in the limbic areas where emotional processing seems to enhance neurotransmission to the limbic (emotive) and left-brain (verbal) areas. Even allowing a boy to play with something silently in his hand (e.g., nerf ball) can be beneficial because the movement stimulates his brain.
Students need to be encouraged to stand and stretch frequently. Studies by Max Vercruyssen, PhD, of the University of Southern California, have concluded that standing up creates more attentional arousal, increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain by 10-15%, and can speed up the processing of information by 5-20%.
Learning can be enhanced by:
Once the brain’s attention systems have been activated, flexibility predisposes that students are allowed the choice of sitting or standing.
Since the 1940s, society has basically been operating under the paradigm of the behavioral contingency model of externally imposed rewards and punishments. Long term, however, it appears that internal motivators yield higher performance than external motivators. Studies have shown positive outcomes when the brain is encouraged (e.g., “You’re on the right track,” or “Give it your best effort”) rather than praised, rewarded, or punished. Carol Dweck of Columbia University found that rewards for effort are more encouraging in the long run than rewards for success. Encouraging creativity for its own sake appears to be more effective than enticing someone to produce creative results with external rewards.
It can be a bit disheartening to realize that the entire traditional system of grading is basically an external reward-and-punishment system. The brain operates differently under the context of reward. In the presence of extrinsic rewards behaviors become more stereotypical, rigid, narrow, and predictable. Yes, the performance of repetitive tasks can be enhanced temporarily, but extrinsic rewards or punishment can quickly inhibit intrinsic motivation and learner creativity. In the long term, extrinsic rewards or punishments do more damage than good toward motivating the so-called underachiever.
Intrinsic motivation is required in order for learners to:
Drs. Geoffrey and Renate Caine contend that learner thinking is “downshifted” in the presence of any behavior-oriented threats and anxiety, such as is often seen under typical educational reward systems.
It would require much more space and detail than is within the scope of this article to describe adequately the components of brain-compatible environments. Here are a few examples to stimulate your thinking:
In one sense at least the human brain does not have a single favorite or learning style. It is capable of changing on a daily basis and even from hour to hour depending on what is going on in the learner’s life and in the current environment. When preparing learning materials there has often been an underlying assumption that students will all pretty much learn in a similar manner. This approach ignores the important issue of individual differences in personal cognitive style. There is no learning style or model that is right for everyone since each brain develops uniquely. And there certainly is no one-size-fits all. Each student will likely have a preferred learning style, defined as an individual’s consistent approach to organizing and processing information during thinking.
Learning style does not appear to be related to intelligence and reflects qualitative rather than quantitative differences between individuals in their thinking processes. Between 1980-1990 forty-two experimental studies were conducted based on the Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Model. Results showed that students whose preferred learning styles are accommodated would be expected to achieve 75% of a standard deviation higher than students who have not had their learning styles accommodated. Whole brain learning is the goal, so learning activities that include strengths of both hemispheres need to be designed and implemented on a regular basis.
A plethora of models have shown up on the scene in an attempt to positively impact whole brain learning. Some models address learner responses (e.g., McCarthy 4-MAT 1990, Meyers-Briggs 1995). Others deal more with how learning is processed (e.g., Gregorc/Butler 1979, Ned Herrmann 1988).
Models can offer useful frameworks. Nevertheless, the most important thing to remember is simply to provide the student with as many different learning opportunities and options as possible. The easiest way to do this may be through offering a wide variety of potential assignment choices, as in what Dr. Kathie Nunley calls “layered curriculum.” This type of curriculum is designed to provide assignment options that include several choices in each general type of learning style.
The brain is designed to learn. So brains will learn! But unfortunately what they learn may not have been the intended or desired outcome. Instead, many learn to:
A contributor may be that a great deal of what brains learn occurs at a subconscious level. According to Emmanuel Donchin, director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Psychophysiology at the University of Illinois, as much as 99% of cognitive activity may be nonconscious.
We’ve known for some time, at least at some level, that traditional styles of education don’t work for many brains. Most styles are actually brain-antagonistic. Fortunately, the results of research studies are encouraging. Much as early navigators traveled and mapped the world, pioneer explorers in the field of brain-function are shedding light on how the brain learns best. What is being uncovered could change the very fabric of traditional education and benefit human beings all over this planet. It could if culture, society, church, school, business, and governmental wisdom:
In some ways the prospect is daunting. It is not an impossible stretch, however. Not if we are willing to increase our own knowledge base related to how the brain learns best and take appropriate personal action (e.g., practically apply what we learn). As the old proverb puts it, many small steps a journey makes. When each individual is doing something constructive on a daily basis, consistently and continually, the collective outcome could result in remodeling the ship.
Eric Jensen, President of Jensen Learning, Inc. in San Diego, California, a former teacher and current member of the International Society for Neurosciences, is deeply committed to making a positive, significant, and lasting difference in the way the world learns. Many parents, teachers, educators, students, researchers, and even interested observers share a similar passion.
It is no longer a question of can we? We know we can provide learners with brain-compatible environments and with curricula that support the way in which the brain naturally learns best. The question is will we? For the sake of millions of brains on this planet, I sincerely hope the answer is yes!
NOTE: References may be found on Taylor’s website under Brain References (e.g., Learning and the Brain links).
Preventing memory loss will always be easier than restoring it.
—Gary Small, MD
The Memory Bible
Tired and hungry, I queued up at the hotel registration desk. Ahead in line an elderly woman (and I use that term advisedly, because I’m no spring chicken myself) was checking in. “No,” I heard her say to the desk clerk, “I don’t know my license-plate number.” And then she muttered under her breath, “Stupid, stupid, my memory is shot.” Too bad, I thought. She’s programming her brain for “dumb” and recall problems!
Next stop was the restaurant. My stomach notified me instantly that the estimated 30-minute wait for a table was unacceptable. As I pondered options, the same elderly woman waved from a window booth and offered to share her space. Wonderful! We chatted over very satisfying French onion soup and mouth watering bruschetta. When she ruefully mentioned the license-plate episode I grabbed the opportunity to ask, “Did you always memorize your license plates when you were younger?”
Her face registered surprise. “Why, no,” she replied. “Never. But I was always embarrassed since my husband was such a whiz with numbers.”
I was tempted to quote a favorite bumper-sticker: Embarrassment is a choice—don’t go there. Instead I asked, “What makes you think that because you can’t recall your license plate, when you never did in the past, that you are stupid and losing your memory?” She blinked several times and shrugged her shoulders.
“I’m lucky if I recall that mine is written on a wallet card,” I explained. And then when the woman mentioned she was driving a rental car, we both dissolved into laughter. Some lively conversation followed. The woman was bright, sharp, and in a word—delightful. Rote memorization just wasn’t her thing.
With information burgeoning exponentially in the 21st Century, my bias is that learning how to access information may be more helpful than packing one’s rote memory with myriad facts. In 7th grade I had to memorize the capital cities of all the countries in the world or flunk geography. Today many of those same countries have been renamed, if they exist at all! While the brain may contain infinite space for concepts and ideas, space for semantic memory may not be unlimited. This means that while some rote memorization can be important in challenging the brain, storing concepts and ideas may actually be more useful overall.
Memory functions are of concern, especially as people age. Here are some steps you can take to reduce memory loss:
1. Identify the types of information that have been easy, versus difficult, for your brain to recall.
Based on your own brain’s innate advantage, some types of recall will be easier than others. My brain has always found tasks such as spelling and rote memorization extremely energy exhaustive. That’s one reason I’m glad for spell-check, although I don’t always remember to use it! But you lecture all over the world, I can hear you say. Yes, I do. Fortunately my brain remembers concepts and ideas very well, and recalls them with little energy expenditure. It does mean that I never present the same seminar twice in exactly the same way.
Hone skills for recall and for accessing information in ways that are energy-efficient for your brain. Recognize that your brain is gifted in specific ways. Some recall facts and figures with ease; others recall concepts more easily. In other words, put your time and energy into the style that is easiest for your brain to use. Write lists, create an internal mental picture, develop your own filing system, or program an electronic device to alert you at specific times. There are strategies that can better match what your brain does easily. Dig to discover them!
2. Expect to retain your memory.
A powerful trigger in memory loss is an expectation that you will lose it. It’s amazing how pervasive this belief is, although it flies in the face of research. I was able to observe expectations related to memory recall first hand in the life of my aunt. When she was age 35 and went on frequent treasure hunts around the house searching for car keys, comments were: she’s got a lot on her mind, what with working two jobs and raising a couple of teenagers. At age 55 when she still couldn’t quickly locate car keys (and family members had tried everything from installing a key hook by the back door to attaching a ball of red yarn to the key ring), comments were: she’s heading for retirement and her memory is starting to slip. When she was still driving all over the country at age 75 and still searching for car keys, comments were:poor dear, her memory is really failing. For the half-century that I was privileged to know her, Aunt Isabelle was always looking for her car keys! Nothing much had changed during that span of time—except the explanation of what was happening.
Some studies have shown that little if any memory function may be lost until the late eighties in individuals who are physically healthy. As one gets older it may take longer for the brain to locate specific facts. It usually comes up with them, however—albeit a few minutes (or hours) later. Be gentle, patient, and honoring of your brain as it searches for the information. A lot is stored up there!
3. Exercise your brain’s memory mechanisms. According to Dr. Restak in his bookMozart’s Brain and the Fighter Pilot, the failure to actively flex one’s memorymuscles can result in atrophy.
4. Speak affirmingly to yourself and others.
Your brain knows what you think, it hears what you say. Mental states are particularly susceptible to affirmation, the mind’s programming language. The right hemisphere of the brain and the subconscious mind are highly receptive to simple, positive, present-tense statements. Remove all pejoratives from your vocabulary. They can be lethal, even in jest!
Your brain also pays attention to your internal mental pictures. In his bookHealing Words, Dr. Larry Dossey identifies two types of mental imagery: preverbal pictures that act upon one’s own physical being to change physiological activity; and transpersonal pictures whereby the consciousness of one person can affect the physiological activity of another person. That’s powerful. In fact it’s double power!
Affirm that your brain has its own built-in advantage, is gifted in specific ways. Hone those skills. Repeat aloud frequently, I am recalling information quickly and accurately. Create positive internal mental pictures of yourself successfully recalling information or knowing where to access it. Positive imagery can reinforce positive thought patterns and make them even more effective. Human beings eventually become the products of the mental images they entertain about themselves. Positively reinforce all efforts to enhance memory functions.
Have fun in the process. Reminisce with friends and jog each other’s recall. Laugh, cry, and sense/feel. Information stored with an emotional component is often easier to access. Believe that you can make a difference in your memory—you can!
Examples of Memory TypesExplicit or declarative memory – The ability to consciously recall information and to be able to state or declare it. The prefrontal cortex is activated during encoding and retrieval.
Implicit or nondeclarative memory – Memories are reflected in the way a person acts more than in what he/she consciously knows. Portions of the brain are involved that do not require conscious processing, either during encoding or retrieval.