©Arlene Taylor PhD

Stress and stressors represent the quintessential different strokes for different folks. For example:

brain lead Left Frontal Lobe

  • Tend to perceive the following as stressors:
    • Lack of data for problem-solving
    • Lack of opportunity to make decisions or to set and attain goals
    • Perceived failure by others to use an inductive/deductive reasoning style
  • May be shamed for perceived workaholism

brain lead Right Frontal Lobe

  • Tend to perceive the following as stressors:
    • Lack of variety
    • Forced conformity to routines and rules
    • Expectations for detail accuracy
    • Lack of opportunity to innovate or to problem-solve intuitively
    • Inability to resolve conflict in a timely manner
  • May be shamed for spontaneity and humor


brain lead Left Posterior Lobes

  • Tend to perceive the following as stressors:
    • Frequent interruptions
    • Disorganization in the environment or disruption of the status quo
    • Frequent or forced changes in routines
  • May be shamed for excessive attention to detail, or for resistance to change

brain lead Right Posterior Lobes

  • Tend to perceive the following as stressors:
    • Lack of a good support system
    • Lack of nurturing relationships
    • Failure to experience spirituality 
    • Lack of harmony
    • Presence of conflict
  • May be shamed for oversensitivity, or for excessive emphasis on connection and harmony


Stress management strategies may be most effective when they tap into a person’s own innate giftedness. That is, some strategies will be easier to implement and will require less energy to utilize. Therefore, they will tend to be more helpful in managing perceived stressors. Here are some examples:

brain lead Left Frontal Lobe

  • Create, set, and pursue identified goal(s)
  • Prioritize and select the best options for success
  • Be in charge
  • Manage willpower
  • Relieve own tension by making decisions


brain lead Right Frontal Lobe

  • Notice when things are changing
  • Brainstorm options for success
  • Trend data within the big picture
  • Embrace change and be willing to take a risk
  • Relieve own tension through use of humor

brain lead Left Posterior Lobes

  • Pay attention to details
  • Attend to self-care
  • Manage bounded shapes
  • Follow routines accurately and dependably
  • Relieve own tension by maintaining the status quo


brain lead Right Posterior Lobes

  • Build nurturing relationships
  • Access a support system
  • Connect with a Higher Power
  • Achieve a harmonious environment
  • Relieve own tension by spending time in nature